Pre-Baby Body
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
So far, so good!
Well...I have to say that the detox was a success. It was challenging, but we made it. I lost 12 lbs in 12 days!! That was definitely the jump start I needed. Now I have the encouragement to go ahead and lose the rest!

Saturday, January 01, 2005
I'm still here...so is the weight.
So I haven't been here for a while. I haven't really been trying to get back my body for a while either. You could say those impulses were drowned by the naniamo bars, chocolates, candy canes, etc. that bombarded my house for the holiday season.

But I'm back. And back with a vengeance. Glenn and I are currently doing a full body detox. What does this mean? Twice a day we take six pills called 'biliherb', 'cleansaherb' and 'laxaherb'. We also take 30 drops of something called CL herb twice a day. I've read the ingredients for these drops..but no list could possible convey to you the absolute disgust of the taste. I have to pour some cran-raspberry juice in a shot glass, add the drops and have a second shot of juice ready for a chaser. And I still gag. We will do this for a total of 12 days. Also included in this lovely regimin...no sugar, no flour, no dairy, no bananas, no citrus fruits, no peanuts...I could go on. Basically we can eat meat, potatoes, fruits (other than the above listed) and vegetables. My one saviour - we are allowed popcorn and we are allowed butter and salt. Needless to say...I've been snacking on popcorn daily. My hopes for this are to clean out my body and prepare it for less sugar, less fat, less processed foods; in the hopes that it will in turn stop craving these things!

What I've learned from this so far - commercials are evil. As I munch on my ricecakes and salsa..I enviously eye up the Rising Crust pizza and Tim Horton's donuts. I might have to stop watching TV.

I must say that I have been faithfully going to the gym, even in my absenance from this site. I have gone at least three times per week for the last two months. Yeah me! I actually have bicep muscles that rise above the arm flab! I find this quite encouraging.

My 2005 New Year's Resolutions:
- To loose 18 lbs.
- To go to the gym at least 3 days per week
Wish me luck!
Happy New Years!


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