Pre-Baby Body
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Inches, not pounds
Well...I haven't been seeing a lot of movement in my weight lately. But I can fit into my size 12 pants, so I guess I'm losing some fat - maybe gaining muscle in return. This week I haven't gotten out a lot (Tysen has another cold and has started teething) - just a couple of walks and the one run on Sunday.
I'm going to stop recording points for a while and try just not eating sugar. I'm sure this will prove to be a lot harder than I think. I was checking the ingredients of my cereals - they all have sugar! Even the 100% All Bran has sugar in it!! So I think this will be the only product I will ignore the sugar content - I'm not giving up cereal in the morning!

Sunday, September 26, 2004
Pushing through the pain
I ran 7 kms today. My knees were killing me and I had to stop to walk twice. But I did it. It's funny - I had to stop to walk DOWN the hill (because it's too hard on the knees to run down) yet I ran UP the hill. A little backwards from how things usually are.
On the WW site I've joined a Christmas Challenge. I am determined to lose this weight by Christmas. How nice would it be to start the new year wearing all my "skinny" clothes??

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Still Alive
Yes - we're still alive. Our household (well, Tysen and me because Glenn is out of town) is just getting over a cold. We had some cranky days (and nights) but are on the mend! My new computer is up and running, so I am back in touch as well. Hope that everyone is doing well!

Thursday, September 09, 2004
Up and Running
I'm back. We had to get a new computer - the old one crapped out on us. So anyway - it'll take me a little while to get everything updated, but I am here!
I've managed to go for a run (Glenn had the Monday off and was home!) I managed to do 5 kms - had to walk about 1 km because of my knees, but it was alright. Tysen is now old enough for the childminding at the gym, so that's an easy option too. If I could just stick within my points...
Glenn is out of town for the next couple of weeks - it's a lot harder to eat right when he's gone. I get bored. (Usually when Tysen is napping). At least now I have a computer to keep me busy!


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